
Clean, Fresh Simple

 Hi Everyone
Happy Wednesday
It is always
 such a pleasant surprise how clean and neat
 our home looks after the
 Christmas decorations have been
 taken down and put away
Do you feel that way too

Don't get me wrong 
to add color and pretty decorations 
  during the holidays and we always
  miss the wonderful smell of our 
  Christmas tree but.....
Removing all the trimmings helps the eye
 to focus on getting everything back to simple, clean and fresh
{do you see this new wooden cutting board it came from Ikea and was only 9.99}
we bought it at Thanksgiving
it is very large and has a lip on the side it fits right over the extra burners on our stove
it has been great for placing hot dishes and even for cooling cookies

Now we also have another spot
 to place fresh flowers
 from our garden
we have been pruning the rose bushes and these are the last of our winter white roses

Fresh, Simple , Clean
feels so good

linking at Blissful Whites Wednesday

p.s. thank you all for the hints and encouragement regarding my new MAC computer 
I am starting to really like it 

romantic saying for today

"I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone."



  1. what a lovely room, the roses are gorgeous. I know what you mean, love Christmas so much and it's so pretty, but wow, when all the trees and decorations and Santas go out, it's so clean, refreshing. It's a relief. Happy New Years

  2. Everything looks so lovely, Pam! Absolutely love that range!! Hubby wants one really badly! Hope you'll link up your pretties to Blissful Whites Wednesday!! Happy New Year!!

    Oh and yes! I will feel refreshed as soon as Christmas is put away! Just need to find the time to do it!! LOL!!

  3. Pam I know exactly what you mean! I almost like taking it all down and looking at the fresh new start for the year, as much a putting it all up!!! I love you stove and the whole area around it!! It looks so bright and cheery! Have a happy Wednesday!!

  4. Everything looks so beautiful and I love all of the white!
    Happy New Year and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Pam,
    So pretty. It all looks so clean and fresh to start out the new year. Beautiful.

  6. Pam- What a beautiful post- Everything is so pretty- I love your cutting board to- what a buy!!! It is hard to imagine roses there when we are growing icicles here- Blessings- xo Diana

  7. Oh, how glad I am to have stopped by. What a lovely kitchen you have!! I really love all of the white you decorate with!! Very pretty.

  8. It is funny what we notice in a picture. I fell in love with your glass butter dish.

  9. I love this time of year too! Our homes all feel so fesh and pretty. I love using my favorite things with no reason other than I love them.

  10. Love the white flowers in your sweet pitcher! Happy New Year!

  11. I fell in love with the glass butter dish too..... oh so lovely.

  12. Looks lovely. I always manage to leave one little bit of decor out by accident. I'll have all the boxes packed away and then up pops one last little ornament or elf.



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