
TV in the kitchen

Hi Everyone
 Happy Tuesday
Do you have a television in your kitchen?
 New kitchen designs today  include a place for a television 
some even  treating the TV as another kitchen appliance
This kitchen from
 is a perfect example of this new trend
This is a little over the top for me

Many people don't even think of putting a TV in their kitchens
I was one of those people
 We do not watch much TV so 
having a TV was not even part of our original design 
But  when I found this
small silver television I knew it would work great in the kitchen and now
I have to admit I have become a fan
 watching cooking shows while I cook  pretending 
that I can cook as good as Paula or Giada 
 and hoping that somehow magically
 I will be able to put together some of the amazing food that they prepare
We do not have the TV on when we eat dinner together 
 but it is nice to have the TV in the kitchen for 
Superbowl and World Series parties
  Oscar parties too
If you do decide to add a TV in your kitchen here are a few tips

I highly recommend not making the TV the main focus in your kitchen
  Try to hang the TV at eye level for the person cooking
Shop for a Television that is not black
{wish someone would make a TV that can match the color of the walls in a room}
 Do you have a TV in your Kitchen too?
linking to Tuesdays Treasures
One Project at a Time
Northern Cottage

romantic saying for today
"I long to call you mine"



  1. Hi Pam!
    Your sweet little TV is perfect for your space.
    No we do not have a TV in the kitchen but we should
    since we all carry our plates to the TV in the family
    room to watch it while we eat THERE!!!

    That first photo is a but much, but clever at the same
    time since the mom is getting to SEE her little ones
    faces even though I am sure they are in that TV Trance mode
    that kids get when watching their favorites shows!!!

    Oh how quickly they grow UP!

  2. Wheel of fortune and hamburger helper! And don't forget the bathroom. However ,what I watch is that neat little photo thing that I plug in my camera chip and watch our memories pop up on the screen

  3. We had a tv in our kitchen in the old house, Pam, and it worked out great as far as placement. Plus, it was a bigger kitchen than I have now. My hubby wanted to add it in the new kitchen but when he showed me where {since it is open floor plan here, the wall space is limited}, I nixed it. It would have looked horrible and obtrusive. Now, if I want to watch tv while I eat, I just go into the sunroom where our main tv is. I do eat meals on my own sometimes due to my husband's job, and I like to have the television on.

  4. I know exactly what you mean! But this looks great.

    xoxo Rozmeen

  5. No t.v. in our kitchen.We really only watch it after dinner.If there is a game on or to watch a movie.We usually have quite dinners sometimes with some soft music and we all share our day together.

  6. No tv in our kitchen either. I really just watch tv at night on the weekends so not sure it would get much use in our kitchen- but sounds like a great idea for the cooking shows for sure!! :)

  7. I do have on in the kitchen. It pops down from the cabinet, and it folds up if I need the counter space or want to "hide" it. Our kitchen is totally open to the keeping room where our large TV is, but if I am up early, I just turn on the small one in the kitchen because the large one would wake-up the entire house!

    Like you, we never watch TV during meals.

    I like your little TV. It is cute!

  8. We have a small drop down screen under a cabinet that looks like just a radio when not in use. I often forget it is there but I do use it sometimes when I want to watch a show when I am cooking, so I am happy with it.

  9. I grew up with a tv in the kitchen...my Mom would have Julia on or the Galloping Gourmet!
    I would like one but there is no room!

  10. I love my TV in my kitchen it's a small flat screan and I have it setting on top of an old vintage kitchen cabinet.
    I usually watch the news while cooking super. My daughter bought it for me when she was home once
    It's silver, wouldn't a white TV be great?


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