
Chateau de Fleurs Market Place

Here are some pictures of the Market Place yesterday. It was so wonderful to see everyone. Lots of gorgeous one of a kind treasures. Every booth was filled to the brim with beauty. Anjie,Gail and I had so much fun.I really loved the way our booth turned out.Putting the booth together is alot like decorating a house. I lovelovelove this picture of Rita in her new bloomers. Doesn't she look Bella beautiful. Rita and Christie were wonderful hostesses treating everyone like family. More pictures on the way.I am so excited for the Olivenhein Grove Sale. Be sure and Mark your calenders April 30 and May 1st.Thank You to all who came and said they like my blog. I am grateful to have you all following along and thank you for buying my vintage treasures for your home.


  1. Hi there... Sweeet Pam :) it was so nice to spend the day with you and Gale yesterday, you 2 are dolls :) I am going to do the sale in Olivenhain, my Husband thinks it is a gteat idea. I loved meeting your daughter, she was so sweeet just like her Mom. I hope your weekend was great and that you learned how to read a coomment :):)


  2. Ok here goes
    I am so grateful for your sweet words.
    I lovelovelove my ironstone plates.
    Guess where I went today??
    I bought the blouse you were wearing yesterday Too cute.
    I am so glad you are doing the sale with us.
    We are going to have so much fun!!!!

  3. It looks like you had a great time. I would have loved to be there. I am going to the Canton TX flea market the end of this month. I have always wanted to see it and got the chance. I will make sure to take lots of pictures to share, Char

  4. Looks like I missed a good sale!


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