
Words to Live By

Hi Everyone
this is the 70's skylight
in my kitchen
Excitement is in the air today.......

I found this picture in Veranda magazine a few days ago and almost jumped out of my chair

Look at the fabulous words around the skylight opening

I love this idea

Another kindred spirit who has a 70's house to deal -{I mean}- be creative with..

So we have been trying to decide what words to put up on our skylight opening



I have let all of the family chime in on their choices

Bon Appetite is a favorite as well as LOVE and Grateful

I also like Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme

There are four areas we can write on

Which brings me to my question of the day

Which four words would you choose?
Leave me a note with your ideas



1 comment:

  1. I would choose one word that describes or reminds of each one of you or just stand alone words like: grace, gratitude, joy, love

    My sister has a skylight like that too!


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