
*White Wednesday DIY Wreath*

Hello Everyone
Can You Believe it is Wednesday already?
Are you feeling creative? I have a fun DIY project for you
I just love this
Christmas wreath

and it is so easy to make
all you need is
one pre made straw wreath
2 yards gauzy ribbon
you wrap the straw wreath with the ribbon
2 cups of buttons and a hot glue gun
you glue the buttons to the ribbon

The Buttons do not have to be old

*Happy White Wednesday*

Merry Merry Merry Merry Christmas

It is still raining here

perfect weather for a DIY project
Singing Christmas Carols all afternoon
(and glueing my fingers to almost everything else but the buttons)
has filled us all with Christmas
If you are traveling this holiday please drive, fly, safely..


  1. Happy WW Pam,
    great project thank you for sharing with us.
    Ciao Rita

  2. Beautiful wreath thanks for the tutorial. Merry Christmas,


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